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Product Display & Merchandising

Stepping into the light

When marketing a product, 93% of consumers place visual appearance as one of the most important factors when shopping*. With this in mind, it is crucial that whatever you’re trying to sell or present is well lit and attracts attention.

Fifty Shades of Grey – SuperSexy

It’s hot, it’s steamy and it’s like nothing you have seen before!

In short, it’s truly massive.

Will Australia follow the UK in the grocery price war?

The price wars in the UK have been ongoing for the past few years and market dynamics have changed the way supermarkets run.

How do you define good food?

The Good Food and Wine show is fast approaching the shores of Australia, with shows across the country starting in Melbourne next month. It’s always a well attended show with lots of brands showcasing their products.

Does traditional signage still work?

In our fast-paced digital world, it would be easy to think that more traditional signs are a waste of time and question whether they still attract customers’ attention.

Pop-Up Shops

We have all seen them in Sydney, you have probably all be in one of them, and you may even have eaten at one of them – pop-up shops and kiosks are ‘popping’ up all over the place, and research indicates that consumers love them!

Two Million Free Samples Given Away

Sampling is still a massive component in the marketing mix, and there is often no better way to get a new product to market than by giving away samples. But how do you get noticed? How do you make some noise in an already crowded marketplace?

Click-Stand – the new mobile sampling unit

Want a new mobile sampling solution for your next in-store campaign?  Ever wished you could move your sampling table around the supermarket targeting people that are your prime audience?  

Pack like a Pro?

Whether you’re going on a business trip or a taking a holiday in the sun, one thing is for certain: you will need to pack.

What are Plinths, Pedestals and Podiums?

Many customers don’t understand the terms plinth, pedestal or podium, and we’re often asked to explain what we mean.  It’s understandable as they’re quite similar really but used in slightly different ways.
